Halloween 2012

Halloween is about the only holiday we have outdoor decorations for. On the last day of September, I dragged them out and added mums and pumpkins to finish the Fall look.

Here’s the front porch:

The ghost and skeleton are standing in large plastic pots for some height. The pots have annuals growing in them and sit on the porch all summer. That’s green and purple potato vine draping over.  It’s pretty and full during the summer months but now that it’s a bit cold outside, it starts to shrivel up. But the “dead” look still adds to the decor. And those are purple mums sitting in smaller pots. And of course red and yellow mums on the porch.  I’m not sure if I will carve the pumpkins or not this year.  Since Halloween is on a Wednesday, we will probably have no trick-or treaters.

Here are two more pics from the back yard:

This ghost is sitting in one of the empty garden cubicles where we had a bounty of tomatoes growing all summer long.

The pirate is guarding our new garden path we installed this year. He’s hanging from a brightly colored Shepard’s hook where we had a hanging basket all summer. That’s the millet plant  in the large pot. I bought it a few months ago very late in the summer season. It’s not doing so well now, but again, the Fall season is about nature going to sleep and fading away.

This is the first year I put decorations in the back yard mainly for a touch of color and for us to enjoy. We only see the front when we are coming or going, and as everything in the back is dying I thought the Halloween decorations would be a nice look.  I’ll move them to the front the week of Halloween.

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